Strategic Investment Management and Capital Advisory

The private investment or Capital Advisory business unit primarily raises capital from equity and debt providers and directs them into deserving companies. We are “hands-on” investors who take board seats, work closely with management to add strategic & operational value to the company, insist on global corporate governance standards, perform operational oversight and represent our investors as necessary.

We have access to both high net worth individuals and institutional investors within the country and internationally. Our investors trust us to manage their funds and they believe in our ability to add significant value to the businesses we invest in. We take significant stakes in the businesses we invest in and require influence in the company to ensure that the necessary changes that will make the business more successful will be made.

Our integrated real estate services help you determine your organizational options related to real property or facilities, establish what to do with a real estate asset, and identify what it may be worth.


Investment regionWest Africa
Focus countriesNigeria, Ghana, Angola, UK & South Africa
Preferred investment sizeUS$2 – 49 million
Investment themeGrowth/expansion, restructuring,  buyout, transplant, business subsidiary divestment
Secondary focus industries food & agriculture, manufacturing ,logistics
Primary focus industriesReal estate, financial services, oil & gas, telecoms
Tertiary focus industriesAll others
+234 901 828 6229